Conserve Biodiversity

Safeguarding wildlife through the creation of national parks or acquiring land titles to ensure the long-term conservation of natural resources.


Why conserving biodiversity?

Ecological Impact

Ecosystems such as forests, wetlands or peatlands have developed over millions of years and provide not only habitat for wildlife but also play an important role as carbon sinks and climate stabilizers.

Socio-Economic Impact

Poverty and lacking education are main drivers for ecosystem destruction, losing to wildlife and people losing their livelihoods. By financing ecosystem protection, local people get access to employment opportunities as rangers and researchers
as well as education.


How does biodiversity conservation work?

We partner with local organizations in Global South countries to safeguard ecosystems, especially rainforests. Our aim is to prevent their destruction and protect native wildlife through initiatives such as the creation of national parks and securing land titles for long-term conservation of these precious natural resources and their inhabitants.


Where are our project partners located and what do they focus on?

Project Partner


Protecting rainforests (& other habitat) 

Sustainability criteria & Focus SDGs

Community involvement & cultural awareness

All projects involve local communities, giving help to self-help. Cultural traditions are strictly considered.

Ethical codex

Only projects with high ethical standards and fair wages are chosen after a careful due diligence.

Long-term protection of land & wildlife

The land titles have to be clearly stated. There has to be a monitoring strategy in place to protect wildlife and prevent illegal hunting and logging.

No land-grabbing

The land purchased is not owned by Impact Hero but the land belongs to local communities or organizations. Land owners sell their land voluntarily after long conversations; land-grabbing is strictly prohibited.

SDG Contribution

All our projects support SDGs and have a special focus
tailored to their region.

Project Spotlight: Brazil

Protecting Amazon's wild lands for species, climate and people

The Brazilian Amazon faces imminent danger from external profit-driven entities, harming a crucial ecosystem essential for global well-being. Unique species lose habitats, and local communities on public lands fight increasing pressures. Our partners aim to safeguard vast regions in Amazonas and Pará states, acknowledging land tenure of traditional communities and their role in land management, ensuring protection for both species and people in this vital area.

3 mi m²

Protected by Impact Hero projects

9.165 km²

Amazon rainforest to be protected


Metric tonnes of CO2 stored


All you need to know about biodiversity conservation

Further questions? Get in touch!

Why is biodiversity protection so important?

Our forests, peatlands and wetlands are not only carbon sinks but stabilize our climate and provide habitats for wildlife and local communities. The Planetary Boundaries Theory acknowledges that the loss of biodiversity is one of the greatest threats to mankind. Saving forests and other ecosystems from being cut down for farming or industrial production ensures that we do not continue to destroy what has been built up for millions of years and constitutes the basis for human life.

How do you choose which projects to work on?

We work with organizations that have decades of experience conserving our natural environment. They  identify critical sites that provide a permanent refuge for endangered species and store vast amounts of carbon. These biodiverse areas face immediate and direct threats, typically from loggers, miners or ranchers.

How does it all work?

Our project partner collects funds for each specific project (1-6 months). Once the requested funds are collected the work starts and it can take from 12 months to 3 years for the protection of the site. Strategic partnerships are established with local communities and committed conservationists, whereby technical capacity and support are provided, while local knowledge and land stewardship are respected and embraced. This approach is considered crucial for achieving long-term land management and species protection.

How can you ensure land is protected after purchase/protection?

A dedicated team of conservationists coordinate with local partners to monitor the protected areas. We are happy to report that 99% of forest protected with our projects partners have remained remained standing post-protection.

Ready to make an impact? Contact us or learn more about our 6 other impact products